HOT!! Cubic Storage Service 20 Pounds per week 英國行李倉儲服務 20鎊/周

2015/7/5 21:50:00

Cubic 提供行李倉儲服務,

每週只要 20英鎊就可寄存最多8個箱子!

寄空箱免運費! 全英國皆可收件!



行李寄存服務 : 每周 20 英鎊,最多可寄存8個Cubic箱 (不論大小, 每箱限重 30公斤)


您只需支付空箱子的費用, Cubic寄空紙箱給您的運費 : 免費!!


特製硬紙箱-大箱 (52 X 47 X 52 公分,限重 30公斤) : 5 英鎊/箱

特製硬紙箱-小箱 (52 X 26 X 52 公分,限重 30公斤) : 5 英鎊/箱

司機收箱費用 --  10英鎊/箱 (您裝箱完畢,由我們司機至您英國地址取箱)

司機送箱費用 --  10英鎊/箱 (您需要取回箱子時,我們將箱子寄還給您)

最少寄存時間: 1個月

♦ 以上收費以"單次訂單"為限,僅限一趟快遞空箱/收箱,如需多次送/收則以新訂單計算

 限重30公斤/箱, 超重10公斤內會有30鎊超重費,10公斤以上另行報價

♦ 限箱子長寬高三邊總長相加150公分以內的單箱為倉儲箱數的定義,超過此長度的範圍則會被計算為新箱子

如有任何行李倉儲問題,請email至 給我們!




We officially launched our storage service from £20per week!

•We'll deliver storage boxes to you
•We'll collect your boxes from you
•We'll re-deliver them back to you.

We're more than just shipping.

Interested? Email us at for this service.

Terms and Conditions
£20 per week of up to a combination of 8 cubic storage boxes of large and small
Large Cubic Storage Boxes at £5 each
Small Cubic Storage Boxes at £5 each
Free delivery of empty boxes.
Collection at £10 per box
Re-Delivery at £10 per box
Max 30KG per box, overweight charge will be applied over 30kg 
The Max volumn for the box subtotal is 150 cm for the single width, height and length, any box over will be considered as a new box 
Min 1 month contract
Based on one order, one delivery and collection only. Two orders can not be combined into one.
All Shipping Terms & Conditions on this website is applied to the storage service